The Croatian Studies Foundation would like to share an update on unfortunate developments regarding the future of Croatian Studies at Macquarie University.
Macquarie University (MQ) are proposing to eliminate the teaching of five common European languages after 2023 including Croatian, Italian, German, Modern Greek and Russian. This is based on COVID era enrolment numbers (2020 to 2022) which is not a fair indicator! These are languages that are commonly used in multicultural activities, various industries and translations in Australia. It is proposed that students will be limited to four language options (Chinese, Japanese, French and Spanish) as part of a new Global Studies program.
As the Australian Croatian community, we all should be rightfully proud that our language and culture has been and continues to be taught at the highest education level in Australia. It has to date not suffered the fate of other heritage language programs that have been discontinued at the university level. Unfortunately, Croatian is now staring at the same fate…
The Croatian language has been an integral part of the Macquarie University community for over 40 years. The Croatian Studies Centre (CSC) was established by the Croatian Studies Foundation within the School of Modern Languages at Sydney’s Macquarie University in 1994 . A rich history has been established, and its given many people the opportunity to obtain Diplomas, Bachelor Majors, and PhDs related to the study of Croatian language and culture.
The significant efforts of the Croatian community are acknowledged by the consistent support provided to this program, which has made it possible for it to continue for the length of time it has at Macquarie University.
We can’t let the Croatian Studies program end now, especially after everything our country and community has been through throughout history.
What is at stake?
It means that all Australians of Croatian descent, including second, third and fourth generation members, plus those who love Croatia, won’t have the opportunity to learn Croatian at tertiary level.
It means that the wealth of community engagement developed over time will be lost. It’s not easy to re-start such a program once it’s gone. The Croatian language has been taught at MQ for over 40 years and was in fact celebrated this year at MQ and supported by MQ. There is also the fabulous and comprehensive library of Croatian publications and books located at MQ which provides an important archive of our community’s presence in Australia.
MQ is the only institution that teaches Croatian at a tertiary level in Australia, as well as in the Southern Hemisphere. The removal of this course will deny future generations who want to learn the language and obtain a formal qualification. It will have a significant impact on our cultural identity in a very multicultural country such as Australia, as well as an evolving global world and European Community.
Why is now the time to act?
MQ are planning to restructure their Language and Culture programs and eliminate Croatian Studies, the other four langauges, plus the popular Diploma of Languages altogether starting next year. This is based on COVID era enrolment numbers (2020 to 2022) which is not a fair indicator of interest in Croatian language learning in the future.
We need to let MQ know that it’s important that they continue to offer Croatian Studies and language learning for a variety of European languages which are vital to maintaining Australia’s multicultural society.
MQ – please don’t use COVID era enrolment numbers as a reason to cancel these languages!
Petition · Save Croatian language studies at Macquarie University (& Italian, German, Greek, Russian) · Change.org
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Petition is to: Professor Chris Dixon (Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University)