On Sunday, 23rd June this year, Milan (known as Mile) Vidović, a respectable and valuable member of the Croatian community in Canberra, and a great supporter of Croatian Studies Foundation left us forever.

Tony Vidović, Nicka Bradica, prvi dobitnik nagrade The Narona/Family M & A Vidović Prize, Luka Budak, pokojni Mile Vidović i prof. Guy Neumann.

Late Mile was a good man, a good husband, a good father and a grandfather, and a good friend. He was a respectable philanthropist and benefactor.

The late Mile wished well to his homeland Croatia, the Croatian community in Australia and Canberra. And he helped immensely in all things, he gave his patriotic and human assistance and his contribution in many ways.

Maja Njul, dobitnica nagrade EU i pokojni Mile Vidović

The late Mile and his family were among the first founders of the Croatian Studies Foundation in the 1980s. The family of the late Mile, his wife Ana Vidović and their family-run company Narona Homes, are also donors and sponsors of The Narona / Family M &A Vidović Prize to the best student in Croatian Studies at the Macquarie University, every year since 2005.

Dear Mile, what does one say at the sad moment of reality like this? If gratitude is truly the ultimate spiritual wellness, then we in the Croatian Studies Foundation express our sincere gratitude for your good and noble deeds, for all your human gifts. God bless your body and soul. Rest in peace!

Governing Council of CSF

Tony Vidović; Luka Budak; pokojni dr. Mladen Ibler, veleposlanik Republike Hrvatske za Australiju i Novi Zeland; pokojni Mile Vidović i Petar Ljubičić, generalni konzul Republike Hrvatske u Sydneyju.