Deadline extended until September 3rd, 2018!
The Croatian Heritage Foundation (Hrvatska matica iseljenika, Zagreb, Croatia) in cooperation with Croatian School Boston (USA) and the Croatian Studies Foundation (Sydney, Australia), is organising an art and writing competition for children and youth aiming to promote and enhance the maintenance of Croatian language and culture among Croatian families across the globe. The title and topic of the competition are “Igračka u srcu” and entries are welcome from children and youth from 5 to 18 years of age. Both individual or group projects are welcome, regardless of whether from a Croatian school, folkloric or tamburitza assemble, soccer club or a family of Croatian roots.
You can find all relevant information here. This ad will soon be published in the next issue of the magazine Matica.
The Croatian Studies Foundation will be coordinating the competition within Australian and New Zealand and we hope to see large numbers of entries from all over Australia and New Zealand and an abundance of children’s work at the exhibition that is scheduled to open in Zagreb at the beginning of December.
The judging committee will be independent, international and professional. In other words, members of the judging committee will be artists, teachers or other professionals who are otherwise not involved in the competition in any way. Their names will be announced before the closing date.
The Croatian Studies Foundation, in cooperation with the Croatian schools in Sydney and other organisations in the Sydney area, is also planning a local event in Sydney at the beginning of December 2018, hopefully, close to St. Nicholas Day (6th Dec), where all entries from our region (Australia and New Zealand) would be exhibited.
This competition is a great opportunity to engage in something slightly different with your students/children this year, and an opportunity to discuss old Croatian traditions and bring back your childhood memories. It is an opportunity to get young people (even more) interested in their heritage, in connecting with their family and the Croatian community, as well as an opportunity for you to promote your school or club.
Please email any questions regarding the competition and your entries to: