State Secretary of Central office for Croats abroad and the Mayor of Vukovar at MQU

On 3rd October 2017 more distinguished guests visited the Croatian Studies at Macquarie University: Mr Zvonko Milas, State Secretary of the Central Office for Croats Abroad, Mr Ivan Penava, Lord Mayor of City of Vukovar, Ms Croatiana Orešković, Central State Office for Croats Abroad, and Mr Dario Magdić, Central State Office for Croats Abroad

After visiting the Bribir exhibition, launched by the Croatian President Mrs Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović in August, the Croatian delegation spent a couple of hours with the board members of the Croatian Studies Foundation, Croatian Studies staff and students discussing, in both formal and informal settings, the future plans for Croatian Studies, Croatian Studies Foundation and Croatian Centre as well as the future efforts to keep the Croatian language and culture alive in Australia.

Together with the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport, the Central office for Croats abroad has been in the past several years financially contributing to Croatian Studies securing that way its existence at the MQU. They have also been offering scholarships for our students to study in Croatia as well as providing financial help with some of the projects (digitalisation of the Croatian Centre library, publishing of our journal Croatian Studies Review etc.).
